Thursday, February 25, 2010

6 Months!

It's hard to believe that Callie is 6 months already!  Wow, time has flown!  She is sitting up and becoming more and more steady doing so each day.  She reaches for EVERYTHING and then has to taste it.  I see two little teeth ready to pop through so that should be fun ... haha!  Callie is a big ball of energy who will be hard to keep up with once she's on the move crawling.  We took our first "road trip" to Columbus to visit friends and she did great (slept the whole way)!  Enjoy the photos!
I'm so big!
She did NOT want to sit still for this months photo shoot!
Callie and her friend Autumn
Daddy's girls
Jen and I with the girls
Daddy's Little Valentine loved her balloon!

Meet the new star of our home :)