Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Blessed Christmas

We had an enjoyable Christmas this year and feel incredibly blessed! Both children were healthy which we are first and foremost thankful for. Because of that, there was lots of time spent with family, which we cherished too. As always, the kids were completely spoiled and have plenty of toys to keep them busy throughout the upcoming year! Santa was good to them also. It was such a joy for Dan and I to watch Callie as she tried to figure out the whole Santa thing and her reaction when she realized Christmas morning that he did, in fact, eat her cookies and milk! We made it to several family gatherings so thank you to all who hosted, prepared, and cooked such yummy food! Now it’s time to nestle in and enjoy the precious family time these last few days!

Tara and Dad!
Kim, Daniel, Aunt Jean, Mom, and Aunt LueAnn!
My new niece is in there!!!!!
Callie loved her Dr. set...
But the cash register was the most favorite of them all :)
Daniel was content with his new football from Callie.
Setting out cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve!
Nonnie, Papa, and kiddos!

Daniel looks thrilled, right?
Cuddle time with Aunt Tara!
Michelle giving Daniel some love!
Aunt Jean and Daniel

Christmas Eve mass!
Making cookies for Santa with my friend Andrea!
Twas the night before Christmas...
Grinding coffee beans with Aunt Jo!

Little Miss Snitcher!

Friday, December 23, 2011

December Photos

This month has flown by! Callie and Daniel are growing so quickly and keep us entertained day and night! Callie is talking up a storm, thinks she is the boss, while at the same time is the sweetest little thing we've met! She adores her baby dolls and hopes that Santa is bringing her one :) She still enjoys running errands (her favorite is the grocery store) and being on the go! She is such a fantastic big sister and it's so fun to sit back and just watch her "mother" Daniel. Speaking of Daniel, he is following his big sister as he also tops the charts at the doctors office. He has rolled over a few times but is usually pretty content watching what's going on around him, which is usually quite a bit! He adjusted nicely to going to the sitters house but I must admit our mornings are pretty hectic, no matter how much preparing I do the night before. Dan and I are both looking forward to these 12 days at home with the kids and hope to relax and enjoy the holidays! Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Callie didn't even make it to Santa's lap this year :)
Our goofy girl!
Mom is just having fun with the new camera here :)
Fun before bedtime!
Mom and the kiddos!

Graham and Callie at the Lights Before Christmas at the zoo!
Family pic!
She is growing waaaaay toooooooo fast for my liking!
Grandma and Daniel on Thanksgiving!
Callie helped make turkey cookies for Thanksgiving!

My little man :)