Friday, June 20, 2014

Summer Memories!

Happy Birthday Dad!  We are so happy we could all be together to celebrate with you!!

We have a graduate!

Say it isn't so!  Callie graduated from 4 yr old preschool already!  It seems like we just brought her home from the hospital :(  She was beyond excited, anxious, and pumped for this graduation ceremony!  It was about the cutest little thing I've ever seen!  They dressed the part with gowns, complete with little caps!  I won't post the 100+ photos I took from that night but it was so hard not to click away --- so cute!  Callie did great and rocked her line about the flag and how it is a symbol of national unity.  We greatly appreciate the grandparents taking time to be there and share in her excitement!  Next year, she is signed up for a Kindergarten readiness class at a local day care center.    The year after that, she was join me at my school for Kindergarten -- woot woot!!  Can't wait to have her with me each morning!!  Below are some photos from the graduation ceremony and the reception afterwards.

Our two blue-eyed babes!

Thanks to these 3 -- I'm able to celebrate Mother's Day 2014!
Luke's first time on the mower with Dad -- so serious :)
Dan's pantless assistant ;)
I love his happy spirit and morning giggles!  I'd have ten more kids if they would be like Luke!
Half time snuggles with Nonnie and Papa at her soccer game!
Coming in for a break after scoring a goal!
Go Callie!
Happy Birthday Nonnie Kalo!  We love you!!

Cousin picture at Harper's "Yellow" birthday party!

I hope Graham and Daniel don't miss too much of the party since they are "sleeping."  Haha!