Saturday, April 3, 2010

7 Months!

Callie is an absolute joy to be around!  We've really enjoyed bumming around the house with her over spring break this past week!  She has developed a "fake" laugh that she does constantly and has been acquiring quite the little personality.  Callie has her two bottom teeth and it looks as if more will be popping through shortly.  She does the army crawl all around the house and loves to be a part of the action.  With the warmer weather, we have taken her on walks and she continues to giggle the whole time --- so much fun!  Enjoy the updated pictures!
Such a big girl!
Bundled up in her new spring hat :)
Look at me!
Great Grandma Westcott and Great Aunt Annie in Sandusky

Aunt Annie can't believe how big I've gotten since Christmas!
Kisses for Daddy!
Visiting Grandpa at work!
Callie enjoyed the jogging stroller box!  Peek-a-boo!
Bonfire with Mom and Dad

Hanging outside -- 80 degrees!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristi! Hope you don't mind that Becky gave me your blog address so I could check out your beautiful daughter!! You have such a sweet little family. :)
