Callie is a walking machine and has improved her balance quite remarkably in 6 short weeks! She has been on the go with us throughout the summer months that we have off and seems to have enjoyed it all! She is still babbling and is constantly making some type of noise at all times...if not, it means she's into something! Callie has been quite the little explorer around the house and continues to make us smile with her animated facial expressions! I hate to think about returning to work and leaving her with a sitter but I'm going to enjoy the last few weeks to the fullest!
She now knows that these peel off ... uh oh!

We took a trip to Sandusky to visit family while Natalie was in town. Aunt Annie and Great Grandma Westcott couldn't believe how much she has grown!

We stopped for lunch in Sandusky with Auntie Marcia and Stefanie too!

Uncle John and Callie at Schuckers in Swanton.

Michelle and Aunt Jean with Callie at Cafe Marie ... yum!
Callie and Dad at the polar bear exhibit at the Toledo Zoo!

We were able to watch an elephant get a bath ... I still think Callie is harder to bathe!

Callie and Dad at the zoo.

I love this photo! She is the Cheerio Queen!

Callie's first long bike ride on the trail to get ice cream! She WOULD NOT keep the helmet on ... little stinker!

Our family at Tara's bridal shower!

Aunt Tara and nuddie Callie in the pool at Grandma and Grandpa's house :)

Fireworks at the Abair's party in Maumee ... can't beat em!

Callie didn't mind the fireworks but was holding on to Dad just to be safe!

It's past my bedtime Grandpa ... I'm sleepy!

Next year Callie will get to play at the July 3rd party with her cousin Graham - yipee! Is she not the cutest pregnant woman ever?!
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