Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Callie!

Wowzers!  Our little Callie is 4 years old!  Every single day there are more and more reasons to love her!  Her favorite color is blue because that's what her Daddy's favorite color is. Her best friends are her brothers and cousins. She thinks Tinkerbell and Hello Kitty are cool! She loves her brothers more than anything in the world and could seriously take over as their "Mom" anyday.  She loves, smothers, kisses, and adores them... sometimes more than they can handle.  She WILL NOT go to bed without giving them lots and lots of kisses, much like her Papa Kalo used to do to her!  She loves to bring her baby doll, named "Baby Daddy," everywhere we go, along with the baby doll carrier, her keys, and phone too! She loves to do "homework" with Mommy and grocery shop with Daddy.  She loves to play Hot Wheels, kitchen, sing songs, bake goodies, and dance in the car.  Callie is on her 3rd cash register toy because she shows them so much love while playing.   She likes to do crafts, color, help with laundry, dishes, and more (all for only about 2 minutes each).  She is into asking about speed limit signs, lines on the road, clouds, and construction equipment while we are driving.  She tries to expand her picky eating habits by trying new foods and I'm so proud of her for eating bologna!  Yes, bologna of all things!!!  She loves to set the table, clear the table, help cook dinner, and tell her brother exactly what he should be doing at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  She fills his sippy cup, gives him snacks, and even has tried to change his diaper!  Callie is one of the most polite little girls I know with a servants heart, much like her Nonnie's.  She will give you a smile that can melt your heart and those eyes let you know exactly what trouble she is up to.  She needs reminders to calm down and often knows when she needs to head outside to get her wiggles out.  She loves playing in the sprinkler, playing soccer, running free at the park, and looking for golf balls in the backyard.  She swings on her swingset while belting out church songs and it makes me chuckle at the words she substitutes.  Callie zips around on her little princess bike while waving to all of the people who drive by, strangers or not.  Because of Callie, this world is a better place.  We are positive she will be a leader in whatever her future holds for her.  At this moment, she wants to be a mommy when she grows up.  She is our first and only daughter who we absolutely cannot imagine life without.  We are so so so so happy to call her ours and wouldn't trade her for anything else in the world!  We love you for the beautiful person you are ... inside and out!!!

We celebrated At Hero's Party Experience by getting wiggles out with family and friends!!

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